FrontUQ 2024
Workshop on Frontiers of Uncertainty Quantification 2024
September 24-27 2024, Braunschweig, Germany

After a break during the Covid-19 pandemic, the FrontUQ workshop series will resume in 2024. The 4th edition will take place September 24-27 2024 in Braunschweig and will feature the topic "Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) for Aerospace Engineering". It is jointly organized by groups of TU Braunschweig, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and the German Aerospace Center.
UQ has a long tradition in aerospace engineering and is gaining momentum again with the current research emphasis on Certification by Analysis. The workshop aims to bridge the gaps between the uncertainty quantification and aerospace communities. The first day puts special emphasis on UQ software, with multiple UQ software projects presenting themselves in hands-on tutorials.
Therefore, contributions featuring mathematical method development, applications in aerospace engineering and new approaches to UQ software design are welcome.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
Efficient uncertainty propagation
Estimation of model form error
Advanced methods for the estimation of failure probabilities
Surrogate modeling and error estimation
Imprecise probability models
UQ approaches suitable for multi-disciplinary problems
Robust design and optimization
Scalable UQ techniques that are applicable to industrial grade problems
Data-driven approaches and UQ
Software for UQ
Keynote Lectures
The following well-known experts have confirmed to give a keynote lecture:
Raúl Tempone, Alexander von Humboldt Professor, Mathematics for Uncertainty Quantification Chair, RWTH Aachen University and Applied Mathematics, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
Richard Dwight, Professor at the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, TU Delft
Elisabeth Ullmann, Professorship for Scientific Computing and Uncertainty Quantification, TUM
John Schaefer, Boeing Designated Expert in Uncertainty Quantification, Boeing
Bojana Rosic, Professor and Head of the Applied Mechanics and Data Analysis Group, University of Twente
Richard Butler, Professor of Aerospace Composites, University of Bath